Sierra Interpreting
For Interpreters
New Interpreters
We pride ourselves at Sierra Interpreting on the quality of our interpreters. To apply to become a new interpreter and create your interpreter profile and user account, please start by filling in the Application Form.
After we receive your request, you will receive an email with a secure link to start the official application process. At that time you will be required to submit the following documentation:
- Proof of Certification (if applying for Medical or Court Certified services)
- Completed W-9 forrm
- Signed Contract
Please send all inquiries to become a Sierra interpreter to:
Current Interpreters
All interpreters are expected to accept job offers, confirm assignments and close their jobs by reporting end times and follow up details in the Sierra portal. To login to Sierra portal, click here:
Portal Example

Interpreter Invoices
All interpreter invoices must include:
- Business name & Tax ID number
- Contact phone number & email
- Billing address
- Dates and Time of Service for each job
- Claimant / Patient Name
Please send all invoices to: